Modern commerce is everywhere in our
Sustainability work
Any way you define it, modern commerce must be sustainable. Sustainable thinking is the essence of smart planning. In everything we do – both in our company and for our customers – we work for sustainable business growth and a sustainable, healthy planet in which to grow.

Modern commerce depends on
Sustainable value and values
More and more, consumers are basing their decisions not just on value but on values. They reward companies that show they really care about humanity and the planet we all share. And rightly so. We see a future where modern commerce is defined by values such as authenticity and transparency.
Beyond writing sustainability into their brand promises, companies must fully embrace it in the way they do business – using sustainable thinking to find new ways of producing, selling, renting, reusing and recycling, while also securing sustainable profitability.
Avensia is committed to taking our customers there. Together with our partners and customers, we will transform systems, infrastructure and output to define modern commerce that contributes to a better future for people and planet.
Avensia Sustainability Workgroup
At Avensia, we’ve created a specialized Sustainability Workgroup who, along with Avensia's Management Team, are developing our roadmap for sustainability work in line with UN's Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.
Our goal is to be purposeful and creative with sustainable thinking as the foundation for both strategic and everyday decisions. For example, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a priority for us. Since we have offices worldwide, we focus on using digital meeting software and hardware in order to reduce physical travel. We also aim to locate all our offices as close as possible to public transport, as we encourage our co-workers to commute using public transport rather than by car, and to travel by rail rather than by air.
Yet, we know that by ourselves, we only make a small dent. That’s why our first priority is helping our customers develop commerce with sustainability as a cornerstone. By building sustainability into the foundations of modern commerce for the world’s leading companies, imagine the impact.
Sustainability Report 2022
Our ambition is to present our sustainability work in accordance with the Global Reporting initiatives' guidelines GRI Standards, level Core. Download our report in Swedish.