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The Right Way to Use Innovative and Interactive In-Store Displays

Oct 15, 2021

When it comes to modern retail, there’s a traditional way of thinking about in-store displays, and then there’s the right way to think about innovative and interactive in-store displays.

The traditional retail store is becoming a thing of the past, with more and more stores moving to a multi-channel approach that includes online sales. The best way to take advantage of those multiple channels is through an omnichannel retail strategy

What that means, essentially, is that you need to find a way to unify your channels in marketing and presentation in a way that adapts to your customer’s preferred way of shopping while giving them the same experience. 

In-store displays and graphics can be a great vehicle through which to facilitate this omnichannel strategy. So if you’re still thinking about in-store displays in terms of cardboard marketing cutouts, you’re in for a real treat. 

In-Store Displays for Omnichannel Magic

What if you could bring your online commerce experience directly to shoppers in your physical retail locations? That’s something we’ve spent some time thinking about. After all, at Avensia we’re all pretty obsessed with the powers of an omnichannel strategy

Sure, there are hardware solutions involving a lot of touchscreens and interactive digital displays that use buttons and the like. However, those solutions are expensive. 

Furthermore, the pandemic has changed a lot of the ways that people want to experience retail shopping. The idea of touching surfaces and buttons that have had countless other hands-on them suddenly isn’t very appealing anymore. People want to feel safe these days, and asking them to physically touch displays in a store is not the way to go about it. 

So, we developed displays that could do just that. By scanning a QR code, a customer can turn any of our displays into an experience that better informs and connects them with their retail experience. 

Interactive In-Store Displays as a Solution

We thought of a different approach. What if customers could manipulate a dynamic in-store display using something that never leaves their side? What if they could use their own phones to take over a display to reveal the information they want? 

So, we developed interactive in-store displays that could do just that. By scanning a QR code, a customer can turn any of our displays into an experience that better informs and connects them with their retail experience. 

These displays can also be used by employees to show product information or even product demonstrations. Essentially, all of the marketing material across all of your channels is available and ready to deploy to your retail locations at a gesture. 


Every Product and Brand Has a Story to Tell

The potential retail power of an omnichannel in-store display is incredible. 

Think of each product on a store shelf as a sort of book that’s waiting to be read. Sure, they could just be books on a shelf, and a customer might just walk in and see one that looks pleasant enough and purchase it. But with an adaptive digital display, suddenly the customer has the ability to open that book and read its story. 

For instance, a yoga mat could simply be a yoga mat. Or, that yoga mat could be accompanied by a video demonstrating its use and the value it adds with its special proprietary cushioning material. If somebody is buying that yoga mat from your website, they’ll have that video right there along with any other product information. With an omnichannel in-store display, it can be there in the store as well. 

The potential retail power of an omnichannel in-store display is incredible. 

Learning the story of a product, or the essence of what makes that product special and valuable, helps the customer connect with the product either intellectually (“Oh, this will really make task A more convenient for me”), or emotionally (“This brand’s message really speaks to me”). Maybe even both. 

Telling those stories is typically much easier online where you can present multimedia marketing materials, user reviews, instructional materials, Q&A, and more. Now there’s no reason you can’t bring that convenience straight into your stores. 

Avensia Can Help With Your Omnichannel Strategy

Helping retailers take their businesses to the next level is what we’re all about at Avensia. We help businesses develop and streamline their strategies to provide the best possible experiences for their customers. After all, happy customers means a happy business. 

Omnichannel strategy is already taking retailers to levels of success that they didn’t think were possible just a few years ago. We build the strategies and develop the innovations that make that possible, and our innovative in-store displays are just the tip of the iceberg. 

If you or your business think it’s time to take things up a notch, we would love to work with you to make that happen. Contact us for a consultation and let’s find out how we can take the next step together.