Modern Commerce Summer Readling List
Is it time to wind down for some well-deserved summer holidays? Take the opportunity to catch up on educational and inspiring reading (or listening!). In this blog post we’ve listed our most popular content topics from 2022. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage, place yourself in a comfy beach chair and enjoy…
Most Popular Modern Commerce Blog Posts

Trend Report from NYC: 2022 Retail Concepts
In this blog post you’ll get insights into the latest retail trends from NYC summarized by trend spotting expert Jack Stratten. Learn about how B2B hits the high street, experienced based shopping and the department store 2.0.

How to Build Customer Loyalty in B2B Commerce
There is a huge potential in B2B commerce. Building strong customer loyalty is critical to grasp this potential. But how do you get started building B2B customer loyalty and how is it different from B2C strategies?

7 Tips for Successful International E-Commerce
The e-commerce channel is often an efficient way to take your business to international markets. But it’s not as easy as just adding another language and currency to your online store.
Most Popular Modern Commerce Podcast Episodes

How can Product In formation Reduce Returns in Fashion?
Clothing is the highest rated category for returns of online shopping. In this modern commerce talk our fashion industry expert discuss how small changes in the product information management (PIM) system can have impressive impact on return rates.
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What is a Strategic CRM Implementation?
Implementing a modern CRM can be a game-changing addition to a retailer's tech stack. But how do you make the most of your customer data and leverage it in tactics that contribute to your overall business objectives? Listen to this commerce talk to find out.
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Why UX Can't Be an Afterthought in Your Next W-Commerce Project
Many businesses make the mistake of only thinking about user experience (UX) towards the end of their e-com projects. At that point though, you’ve already missed the value UX has to offer. Hear our senior UX designer explain why you need to make UX a priority from start.
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