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Top retail stats for February

Feb 16, 2021

Here are the four most eye-opening stats we’ve noticed this month:

Convenience is more important than ever

According to a Google commissioned KANTAR survey, convenience is the biggest driver of online and offline purchases by some distance. 86% of customers said it was their main driver online in 2020, compared to just 21% who prioritised price.

Mobile ‘near-me’ searches are growing by 146% a year

One of the biggest digital shifts during the pandemic has been the rapid growth in customers using online tools to find whatever they need locally. Google data proves this point, with ‘near me’ Google searches growing by an incredible 146% a year.

Card-online-marketplaces-lowDigital acceleration is the main priority for 88% of retailers

Unsurprisingly after a game-changing year for digital commerce, 88% of retailers surveyed by Deloitte have stated that digital acceleration will be their top priority for investment. Regardless of current performance, it appears that retail is banking on the digital boom continuing even as the pandemic fades.

35% of Americans would be happy to never shop in-store again

According to a survey by sensor company Sense Photonics, one in three American shoppers would happily do all their shopping online, forever. The same survey also suggests that 70% of Americans would prefer a zero human-contact shopping experience. As ever, it will be fascinating to see how these consumer preferences change as the pandemic recedes.