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How do I know if PIM is right for me?

Oct 07, 2020

Why invest in a PIM system? To find out if a PIM system is the right investment for your company, you need to ask the right questions and reflect on them from different perspectives.

Why invest in a PIM?

Different roles in the organisation have different requirements and needs, and it is when you have evaluated them you will know if an investment will pay off.

Below you will find batches of questions based on what role you have in the company. If you are thinking of investing in a PIM system, start asking yourself and other roles in your organization, these questions.

If the answer to most of these questions is No, your business would probably benefit from a PIM system.

Marketing/e-commerce executive

  • Is it easy for you to follow up on your market activities?
  • Do you have the opportunity to apply, test, and experiment simply and swiftly?
  • Can you easily oversee your team’s ability to meet launch deadlines?
  • Can successful campaign setups be reused in a simple way?
  • Does your operative team find it hard to set up new marketing channels?


Product manager, brand manager, or product administrator

  • Is the work revolving around handling of products and articles simple and accessible?
  • Can you easily receive and validate product information from suppliers?
  • Do you get a lot of product related questions from your colleagues?
  • Do you feel certain that you are presenting consistent product information in all channels where your assortment is found?
  • Is it easy for you to figure out what markets each article should be sold on?

Web editor or graphic designer

  • How long before the articles are available on the market do you usually start working with print material containing enriched and validated product information?
  • Do you feel like you spend a lot of time on corrections and translations?
  • Do you have a central database for things like approved photos for products and categories, and videos linked with the right products and articles?
  • Can these assets be connected with more channels? Can you ensure that everyone will see consistent language and product information in all channels?
  • Is it easy for your external communication agencies to access validated texts and assets?

Key account manager or in sales

  • Do you have easy access to print material/PDFs (e.g. sales material and catalogues) for delivery to clients?
  • Can you easily adjust sales material for your own market and/or individual clients based on your selection? 


The function of a PIM system

The PIM system is valuable for organizations that want their product information to be organized and up-to-date, in all channels. This means, that if you have a PIM system you only need to update or add information in one place. The information will then be distributed, in the right format, to all different channels. Your e-commerce, your marketplaces, social media, your resellers and customers. Less administration, more control and the ability to make your products competitive in the jungle of information.

process efficiency and increased data quality