Key figures at a glance
Financial overview
Avensia AB is traded on NASDAQ Stockholm First North Premier with the ticker AVEN. On this page, you’ll find a summary of our latest financial information and a brief company overview.
Key facts and information
Nasdaq First North is an SME-classified alternative marketplace operated by the various exchanges included in Nasdaq.
Avensia's shares on September 30, 2024 amount to 37 123 249. There is only one class of shares and all shares have equal voting rights as well as a share in the company's assets and earnings. You can follow the share directly from Nasdaq First North's website.
Key facts:
- Founded in 1998 (Named InXL innovation AB until June 2015)
- Offices in Lund, Helsingborg, Malmö, Göteborg, Stockholm, Karlstad, Oslo Chicago and Cebu (Philippines)
- Traded on NASDAQ Stockholm First North Premier

Board of Directors
Avensia is proud to have a talented Board of Directors with deep expertise in multiple fields and experience from companies such as Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and Compaq. The company has a nomination committee consisting of three members appointed by the three largest ownership groups as of September 30, 2019.
For a more detailed biography of each of our Board members, please visit our Swedish site.
At Avensia
We are here to define Modern Commerce
As modern commerce is constantly changing and adapting to new situations, we must push the boundaries of what is possible. For us, defining modern commerce happens as we continuously invent it and reinvent it. Together with our customers we find the edge in modern commerce.